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Catch up Blog!

Sam Baker

The last blog I wrote was a long time ago, and in it I promised myself that I would blog more regularly... so that went well!!!???

The thing is that I really do like to write, and yet when I have spare time I rarely think to sit down and do it. So why is it that even the things we really love when we are doing them, require such motivation and presence that we often struggle to choose to do them on a day to day basis? Why does the brain not automatically crave the things which we know make us feel the best, what has gone wrong with our evolution that we continue to crave stimulation from the stuff which often makes us feel completely the opposite?... social media, sugar, sitting, watching tv, alcohol etc ect.... not that in moderation any of those things are a problem, but why do they win the battle when it comes to the question of 'what shall I do with my free hour?' (If you are lucky enough to find one!)

So today... I found myself on Facebook and I was looking at literally nothing other than what friends had had to drink or eat in the last 24 hours and I had a word with myself....stop scrolling and start blogging!

So here we are, it's already May 2022 and hilariously I am still telling people that I have just turned 50... ## sudden realisation that that was over 10 months ago##... Is it me or does time fly faster as you get older? How am I nearly 51??? I am not done with my mid life crisis.... ha ha ..... but I have spent this last year meeting so many fantastic people through my new classes and I feel both supported and enriched by my new clients in a way that I have never felt before... so many fabulous humans of all ages and stages! So if you are one of them , thank you! And I hope that in turn I am helping to enrich their lives too with better physical and mental wellbeing and a bit more confidence in moving their bodies.

At the end of the day what is life for if we cannot use our energy to exchange what we have to offer to others for what then comes back at us by default ... a continuous human interaction of (hopefully) positivity, advice, laughter, support, education, hope, shared fears, life tips, menopause stories!! (with both the chaps and chapesses) and the odd glass of something cold and fizzy!

So to all those who have contributed to the last ten moths, however fleetingly's to always having something to offer, here's hoping that we will continue to strive to make the choices which help us to thrive, and forgive ourselves for the inevitable times that we royally choose badly!! Because the next choice is but a moment away and each new choice is a new chance ......

Have a great day

Sam x

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